By Kaied Omar Ghiyatha, Cheif Editor.
Shady understands the way horses communicate and what they need from a human, and he uses this knowledge to train horses and solve problems. Shady’s dream is to help humans have a better understanding of horses and to give them the skills and knowledge needed to build a better relationship. Shady specialises in solving horses’ problems and he believes he can teach anyone to be a ‘horseman’ so long as they have will, faith, knowledge, and understanding, patience and feeling.
Shady’s love for horses began at an early age and his brother, Rami, helped him to buy his own horse at the age of just 12. The horse was called Adham, he was an Arab stallion that had no respect for people and Shady suffered many injuries, including a broken leg, while trying to get along with him (and survive). Shady continued to ride Adham despite the horse’s attitude, and he started to think about how the horse’s brain works, how it communicates and how his own actions and body language can affect the way a horse reacts to him. This was the start of Shady developing his methodology which he uses today in training horses. By the time Shady was 16, he had ridden Adham in most of the Holy Land and had acquired a new horse called Sandy, a ten-month old filly, which he trained very successfully. Sadly Sandy was later stolen and was never recovered.

Over the years, Shady gained experience with many different horses, most of which had some sort of problem that needed to be fixed, and he began to understand how to build an effective communication with a horse and how a human can be the “leader”. Shady learned that many problem horses become problem horses because of problem people. People do not understand how their actions, body language, and behavior can impact the horse and how it reacts to a situation. It is for this reason that Shady works with both the horse and the owner as it is only by working in cooperation with each other that the problem can be resolved. If a person has the will, faith, knowledge, understanding, patience, and feeling, he can achieve anything he wants, however, it is important to remember that everything takes time.

Shady has experienced just about every problem that a horse can have, and over the years he has learned that every problem has a solution. But there are many different ways to deal with these problems, and it can take a lot of time and energy to get to the final result. In many instances, people try to advance too quickly with their horses, before they have built good foundations. This can be where many problems occur. Shady’s method always starts with groundwork and building the foundations of good communication. Once these are established, you can begin to build on them to achieve your goals.

Shady has learned to take all the positive things that he has seen in every branch of horsemanship, from every person, whether professional or amateur, and from every discipline. He has used what he’s learned to build methods that are fair to the horse. When Shady teaches a person his horsemanship methods, he wants the person to learn enough so that they can resolve issues with their own horses, and identify and recognise small problems before they turn into big problems. Shady teaches how body language can affect the horse and be used to control the horse, he invests a lot of time in people’s understanding and making sure they understand exactly what is needed. He teaches the natural method of pressure and release, the right time to use this, the level of pressure to use and the way in which it can be changed in order to help the horse understand what is wanted from him without the need for battles between human and horse. Shady is passionate about his methods and he believes any problem, no matter how big or small, can be resolved by using them. Shady dreams of teaching everyone to use his methods so the relationship between horse and human is one of mutual respect and trust.Shady will teach anyone who shows they have will, faith, knowledge, understanding, patience and feeling and he will work with any horse, no matter what age, type or breed, to help owners reach their full potential and to achieve their goals with their horses.
To contact Shadi, please dial:
0800 0582462 from the UK/ or 0044800 058 2462 from outside the UK
You can Email: Info@shadyhorsemanship.com