Roles for Social Change Association (ADWAR) is a Palestinian NGO organisation based in Hebron, Ein Sarah St. Behind University Graduates Union and Super Market AlAmanah in Palestine.
The association is registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior since 13/12/2010, under the number: HB-4156-C, affiliated with Ministry of women Affairs and Ministry of Labor.
- To improve Capacity building of Palestinian women and girls along with empowering them socially, to reduce violence against women so they will be capable of active, civic participation and living in a society characterized by social justice.
- To empower the Palestinian women and girls economically by reducing unemployment as well as providing job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender.
- To raise awareness about Palestinian women and girls’ political rights, in addition to encourage them to participate in civil democratic life and to involve in advocacy and lobby decision makers, to ensure fair laws for women.
- To improve the Palestinian society Awareness and capacity building for governmental and nongovernmental organizations about gender’s policies and procedures as well as the importance of gender’s contribution towards Palestinian society welfare.
Logic Framework.
ADWAR has worked on a range of activities with the target groups. A number of needs have been addressed through which ADWAR has developed its work and its main course (Gender and Development). The Association decided to work within three main programs that contribute to redeem gender gaps. Programs are (Social, economic and political), where each program contains specific strategies, stemming from the belief of the institution that changing the reality of Palestinian women and girls for the best is done only through working on more than one program and strategy.
ADWAR implements many projects and activities that fall under the three programs. The general assembly of young women and men of ADWAR Association decided to concentrate on: Social, Economic and Political.
The Primary beneficiaries: Palestinian women and girls aged between 12-60 years old, whom live in Palestinian state including West Bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem, in particular marginalized Bedouin, rural, and refugees.
The Secondary beneficiaries: Palestinian men and boys aged between12-60 years old, which live in Palestinian state including West Bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem. In particular marginalized Bedouin, rural and refugees.
Project Implementation Experience:
- Digging the Voice Strategy for Bedouin Women Equal Rights Funded by the Government of Canada 20192020.
- Towards Women Who Lead Change in Priority Communities and Make a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others. In partnership with Bedouin Local Councils in Hebron and East Jerusalem and Media agencies. Funded by Netherland Government 2018- 2019- 2020.
- Palestinian Environment Guards, in partnership with women organizations in Tarqumia and Beit Kahel, also, in cooperation with Environment Quality Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, and Media agencies. Funded by Global Environment Facility GEF/ Small Grants Programme SGP / United Nation Development Programme UNDP. 2018.
- Protecting Women Legal Rights in partnership with the Enhanced Palestinian Justice Programme and funded by USAID, 2017-2018.
- Supporting disadvantaged Bedouin and rural women to formalize and manage income-generating businesses, in south of Hebron and East Jerusalem. In partnership with PMDP and funded by the UKAID, 2017-2018.
- Supporting Women Protection Committee for gender equality in humanitarian response.in partnership with UN Women and funded by the Spanish Agency for International development 2017.
- Increasing Women’s Political Participation Through Effective local election in Marginalized community In partnership with Ministry of Local Government local Bedouin counsels, ministry of women affairs, the General Union of Palestinian women- GUPW, Central Election Commission CEC and Maan T.V affairs. And funded by the GIZ. 2016-2017.
- Supporting gender equality regarding access to education in the south Hebron hill. In partnership with Education directorate of South Hebron, Yatta Municipality, HIRN, ACF, World Vision, in addition to the French organization (Citoyen Des Rues), and funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of UK government. 2016.
- Supporting women in access to business market through sweets business in partnership with Bedouin local council and funded by Operation Blessing International, 2016.
- Bedouin women protection committee to activate 1325 resolution in area C, in partnership with local Bedouin counsels, ministry of women affairs, the General Union of Palestinian women-GUPW, Maan T.V, and funded by UN WOMEN, 2016.
- Empowering Bedouin women in decision-making and accountability within local councils. in partnership with Ministry of Local Government local Bedouin counsels, ministry of women affairs, the General Union of Palestinian women-GUPW, Central Election Commission CEC and Maan T.V. and funded by The Netherlands government,2016.
- ADWAR Association Blog for gender issue awareness. In partnership with Alhorreya Radio, Hebron University, Al-Quds open university, and funded by the France Consulate. 2015-2016.
- Initializing Palestinian Bedouin Communities of Hebron Governorate to Endorse Women in political participation High Decision Making Positions, in partnership with Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Women Affairs and funded by the GIZ ,2015-2016.
- Wool Toys and Gifts, in partnership with Bedouin local council and funded by Operation Blessing International, 2015-2016.
- Promotion of the local democracy and economic activity through the reinforcement of Palestinian Non State Actors (NSA), in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF), Land Research Center LRC, and funded by the European Union. 2014,2015,2016.
- Women forum for skills and talents to support business procedures in partnership with Local Employment and TEVET Councils Hebron LET Councils, various Palestinian companies, and government and nongovernment organizations. 2015.
- Women advocate against the concept of (Divorced women) and their isolation from civic live, in partnership with women’s organizations and funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative MEPI/ U.S Consulate. 2014-2015.
- Initializing Palestinian Bedouin Communities of Hebron Governorate to Endorse Women in political participation High Decision Making Positions. implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in partnership with Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Women Affairs.2015.
- Towards Better Job Opportunities for young graduated women in partnership with the TEVET program and funded by GIZ. 2015.
- The Role of Youth’s (Males and females) in Holding Official’s Accountability, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services CRS funded by the American Agency for International Development USAID, 2014.
- Institutionalize of Gender Unit in the Hebron governorate in Chamber of Commerce and industry funded by the Private Sector Development Program PSDP, International Cooperation GIZ ,2013.
- Social movement for Bedouin women, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services CRS funded by the American Agency for International Development USAID, 2013.
- Women’s Rights Awareness “Social Pioneers working to reduce the women killing phenomenon” in partnership with Palestinian Universities and Women clubs, funded by the American Consulate, 2013.
- Right to Live, in partnership with Ministry of Education and funded by UNDP, 2012.
- Enough Violence, in partnership with Palestinian Women Research center and funded by UNESCO, 2011.
ADWAR Association Initiative:
- Initiative entitled: “Let’s participate in order to highlight our national issues in partnership with the Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy, Ramallah.
- Initiative entitled: “This country is for me and for you in partnership with the Bible Society and Nibras AlAjyal Association, Bethlehem.
- Campaign entitled to break the barrier of fear and silence, Bethlehem.
Women are right in inheritance in partnership with YMCA. 2102.
4.Participatory Budgeting Workshops with Dura Municipality implemented by German Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with ADWAR Association and Dura Municipality
5.Initiative entitled: Because of our country we want a fair and justice laws for girls and boys in partnership with Hebron Women Charitable Society/HWCS, Hebron. 2014.
6.Media campaign entitled “ me and you in one country” implemented by the Palestinian working Women society for Development PWWSD, ADWAR Association, M’an Network, Palestine Broadcasting Channel,
PYALARA,RAYA FM, 24 FM, Women’s Staff Committees, in partnership with UN Women funded by the Norwegian Representative Office.
7.Raise Awareness and Develop capacities of Palestinian Young Women and Men, in partnership with The Palestine Technical College Al Arob, WATAN T.V, and funded by Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN).
8.Speak up and Document it Initiative within the project of (Strengthening popular and institutional pressure mechanisms to protect the social and economic rights of marginalized groups in the Palestinian territories) In cooperation with the Palestinian Consultative Authority for the Development of Non – Governmental Organizations, the Students’ Association and the Bonyan Society for Community Development, funded by the EuropeanUnion.
For more information, please contact Sahar Alkawasmeh on Telephone: 00972-2-2257859
Fax: 00972-2223666
Mobile: 00972-598888229
Office Email: info@adwar.ps
Website: www.adwar.ps
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RolesForSocialChangeAssociation-ADWAR
Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/RolesAssociation
YouTube: Roles Association ADWAR مؤسسة أدوار/
Blog: www.adwarblog.com
LinkedIn :ADWAR Association